Tax Service Business


Business Tax Preparation

We offer business tax preparation services for all types of businesses whether you have one location locally or operations in multiple states. We’ll work hard to save you money so your business can realize higher profits.

It's not easy being a small business owner this time of year. Stress levels are on the rise as owners scramble for receipts and hope they're not leaving money on the table or opening themselves up to an audit.

The tax filing deadline is right around the corner. April 15 is the date for sole proprietorships, partnerships and limited liability companies, while March 17 was the deadline for corporations that report on a calendar year.

Small business owners need to make sure they've properly filed each form, correctly itemized each deduction and write-off, and have their receipts handy in case of a dreaded audit. Whether this is your first year filing or your tenth, here are a few tips to help you eliminate errors and navigate this year's business tax season

Here is how we serve you...

Your tax return will be prepared in house by one of our experienced who will help you think of all the things that can work to minimize your tax liability, and will be checked and rechecked by one of the most advanced tax software programs on the market to ensure completeness and accuracy.

Every return prepared at Ravi Dave Finacial LLC, whether it is a Corporation form 1120 or 1120S, Partnership form 1065, Individual form 1040, Not-For-Profit form 990, Trust form 1041, or any of the other returns we regularly prepare at the firm, it will be prepared by an experienced professional .Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will get a refund back quicker.

We will help you plan for the year ahead to limit your tax liability by taking advantage of any applicable area of the quite complicated Internal Revenue Code

Tax Planning

Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income.

We make it a priority to enhance our mastery of the current tax law, complex tax code, and new tax regulations by attending frequent tax seminars.

Businesses and individuals pay the lowest amount of taxes allowable by law because we continually look for ways to minimize your taxes throughout the year, not just at the end of the year.

We recommend Tax Saving Strategies that help you...

  • Grow and preserve assets by keeping Uncle Sam out of your pockets.
  • Defer income so you can keep your money now and pay less taxes later.
  • Reduce taxes on your income so you keep more of what you make.
  • Reduce taxes on your estate so your family keeps more of what you've made.
  • Reduce taxes on your gifts so you can give more.
  • Reduce taxes on your investments so you can grow your wealth faster.
  • Reduce taxes on your retirement distributions so you can retire in style.

Here's just a few of the Tax Saving Strategies we use...

  • Splitting income among several family members or legal entities in order to get more of the income taxed in lower bracket.
  • Shifting income or expenses from one year to another in order to have them fall where it will be taxed at a lower rate.
  • Deferring tax liabilities through certain investment choices such as pension plans, contributions and other similar plans.
  • Using certain investments to produce income that is tax exempt from either federal or state or both taxing entities.
  • Finding tax deductions by structuring your money to pay for things you enjoy, such as a vacation home.
  • Remember, we work for you not for the IRS. Many of our clients save many times the fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies.

Tax Planning

The goal of tax planning is to arrange your financial affairs to minimize your tax obligation. The three basic ways to reduce your taxes are

  1. Reduce your income
  2. Increase your deductions
  3. Tax advantage of tax credits

Our approach to assisting with your tax planning is

  1. To provide a customized strategy surrounding your needs, goals and objectives.
  2. To analyze your income source
  3. To ensure you receive every credit and deduction that your company is entitled.
  4. To study investments that will assist with your company’s wealth building.
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